This is the most important part of Please answer as many questions as you can, indicating whether you disagree or agree with each statement. You don’t have to answer them all right now, and you will be able to update/change your answers at any time.

I am a morning person more than an evening person.

I would prefer to listen to jazz music rather than hip-hop.

When I go out into the country (rural areas), I can feel my mood improve.

I can maintain awareness of my inner bodily sensations even when there is a lot going on around me.

Men who cross-dress for pleasure disgust me.

I enjoy exploring caves.

It's important to me to donate blood.

I talk out loud to myself.

It should be illegal to make jokes about vulnerable populations.

Deep down, all I really want is love and sex.

I enjoy gardening.

I pay more attention to the Sixers than to the Flyers.

I support legalization of hard drugs such as fentanyl, crack, etc.

I play a musical instrument well.

Assuming money is not a problem, I would like to have a live-in butler.

My favorite TV shows are mostly comedies.

I enjoy going to drag shows.

I get chores done right away.

I would rather play Dungeons & Dragons than Uno.

Some people have been abducted and studied by extraterrestrials (aliens).